Sunday, March 29, 2009

Song of the Day -- Poker Face

Hope you enjoy [<3]

True Colors

It was only a matter of time before Elliott showed his true colors. It's a long story that I don't want to explain, but to cut it short, we are over. For good. Yeah we took breaks and were still together, but this time, I'm not coming back. He lied to my face about many things, and we're officially done. Although it doesn't sound like it, he ended it for good, but man am I happy as hell that he did. I wasn't even upset, just more infuriated. He has a new girlfriend now, who I've heard is a big whore at her middle school. Yep, middle school. But anyways, I wish her the best of luck because I can't wait until she finds out what kind of person he was, and how he treats girls. I hope she breaks his heart.

I hate being this brutally mean. But girls if you knew Elliott the way I did, and how he treated me, you'd be a little grumpy too. [<3]

Scheduled Outage

That scheduled outage we had on Blogger really upset me. I thought that meant that the whole site would be down, and no one could access it for a bit. So I got on, and thought everything was working fine. I posted two beautiful posts, looked at my page, and found that they weren't posted. Annndd they weren't saved. Ugh. Looks like I'm going to have to retype them all again, and spend a bunch of more time doing something I already took the time to do. Shucks. [<3]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Song of the Day -- Forever and For Always

Like I always say.. This is a good song too =] I started this post about when Elliott and I broke up, and it was a time I was sad. When I heard this song after we broke up, I was in a car full of friends coming back to our hotel from the Mall of America. I immediately started to cry when the chorus started, and it was bad. That was the first time I felt sad, and like my heart had been smashed into a million pieces. It's still hard for me to listen to this song, and I start to think of all of the good times Elliott and I had. Right now it's hard. I'd be an emotional wreck if I didn't have the memories of the bad times in my mind to get me through it..

It's getting easier to let him go with each and every day, and I know I'll be better some day soon. I'll never forget about him, but hopefully my feelings for him will disappear soon. Every day is a new day. My friends have been great, and I love them all so much. I know everything will be alright. [<3]

-- Lyrics --

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Song of the Day -- Girlfriend

Ohh man good song =]. The first time I heard this song, it was when my friends were belting it out in my kitchen at the top of their lungs. I had no idea what the song was, but I was starting to hate it because they didn't stop singing it. Ever. Finally one day when I was browsing videos on YouTube, I thought of the song and thought I would give it a chance. I looked it up, and listened to it. Turns out it's not that bad of a song.

If you haven't heard this song before, it's worth checking it out. Yes it's a love song, but to me, it stands out from the crowd. It's not a common song that you've heard on the radio, which is refreshing once and a while. At the end of my post, there's a link of the lyrics to this song, which are neat too. Hope you like it! [<3]

-- Lyrics --

Monday, March 16, 2009

Golf Season 09

The Kennedy Girls' Golf season of 2009 is underway. Practice started on Monday, and I can already tell the team may be struggling this year. We lost a couple of our top golfers from last year; one graduated, and the other one quit. This year we have only 9 girls out for golf. We never have very many girls on the team, but this year seems extra small. We have 5 seniors, 1 sophmore, and 3 freshmen. I've only practiced with the freshmen once this season, but so far I haven't been too impressed. Not to be mean though, cause hey they're freshmen. My friend Brigham is a freshmen, and he said they might be good. You never know, they might come around! Anyway, our first tournament is in the beginning of April, and I have a feeling we might not be ready when it comes around.

Last year, the team and I won Regionals, which guranteed us a spot at the state tournament. To be honest, that was probably all luck. We all just happened to be on the top of our game that day, and everyone else in the tournament was playing badly. Or something like that. Maybe we were better than them, but I don't think so. At the tournament, we placed 8th. There were only 8 teams at State. Okay so, not so good, but hey at least we could say we were the 8th team in the state! Okay this year I don't think we'll get that lucky. Our players on Varsity will always be changing, because the number 5 and 6 players are probably around the same skill level. It'll be an interesting season.

I have 5th and 6th hour release, and so does Sophie, one of my best friends on the golf team. She and I are planning on going golfing during that time, instead of after school with most of the team. During the first part of the season, I think I'm going to go after school for a bit, so I can hopefully make some new freshmen friends (or at least see how good they are). At this point in the season, we are practicing instead of playing. Hitting balls at the range is fun and all, but I'm pretty excited to start playing.

I haven't really decided whether I'm going to be nervous at our meets or not. Usually I'm nervous for the first couple meets, then after that, its no big deal. I think I'm more nervous thinking about how well we will do against other teams in the area. We don't really have big competition, but we aren't usually at the top of the state. I think it'll come down to how well the freshmen do, and who is going to be playing what spots. It's gonna get here faster than I want it to, but oh well. [<3]

Spring Break 09!

So finally the time has come. This is the last week of school before spring break. It's my last spring break of my high school career, and for once I'm actually going somewhere (I think). Usually every spring break I stay at home doing nothing, while a lot of my friends go off to Cancun or Hawaii for a warm getaway. Well I can't brag; I'm not really going anywhere warm.

If I do go somewhere, it would be to the Mall of America with a few friends. My friend Andriana's mom would drive us, because none of our parents would let 4 girls drive up to Minnesota by ourselves. I'm also going with Kate and Jenny. I'm so excited! The only thing stopping me is work. I'm scheduled to work on Saturday and Sunday, and we would leave for Minn on Saturday. I'm trying to work that all out now, and I'm pretty confident to say that it'll all work out.

When//if I go, I really want to hunt around for a prom dress. It will give us 4 a chance to look around for dresses, in hopes of finding one that hopefully no one else will get. In CR, there aren't many dress shops. If I don't find one in Minnesota, I'll probably order one offline, or go to another city or something. Prom is coming up in less than 2 months, and so I'm kind of crunched for time. It's time for me to start thinking about who I'm going to ask (Elliott) and how I'm going to ask him. Because to be honest, if I don't go with Elliott, I'll probably be dateless. Guys never ask me to dances, and I'm afraid it'll be that way for prom too if Elliott says no. So much to worry about, so little time. [<3]

Friday, March 13, 2009

All The Rules Change

This is the final term of my high school career. It's basically the last term of the easiest part of my life. From now on, everything will be harder. The future will bring on new a greater resposibilities, and I'm scared shitless. I'm excited to be done, and finally move on with my life, but there's always that part of me that will want to stay home. I don't wanna leave my home, where my parents watch over me and basically care to my every need. I don't have to do my own laundry (most of the time), I don't have to pay bills, I don't have to worry about if we have enough food. Any of that. But soon enough, I will have to start worrying about that.

My Economics teacher Mr. Grady, gave us a big speech during our first day of class. He stressed how important his class was, and how it will help us in the future. The main point he stressed was, all the rules change. After high school, all of the rules change. No one is going to be along side us guiding us through college and during our job. All of the responsibility to make it through school, up to this point, was on the shoulders of our teachers. In college and in the work force, that all changes. The responsibility is on us now. No one cares if we go to class, teachers won't care if you fail. You're paying for your college tuition, so if you don't go to class, that's wasted money out of your pocket. It's kind of mind boggling if you think about it, because at this point, we're adults now.

I thought at first, it can't be that big of a change. We're just moving on to a different level of education. Yes, that is true, but it's to a whole new degree. We have more freedom in college, more freedom that we can choose what we do with. Either we can spend our freedom badly, by partying every night and being dumb. Or we can do what is expected, and do our homework and studies first. I plan to hopefully do a little of both. Of course my number one priority will be school, and if I do have some free time, I'd like to have some fun once and a while.

College will be a hard time, and it will be hard for me to get used to at first. But overall I think it'll be fun and a great experience for me, and everyone else. It's what gets us to the next level -- the rest of our lives. College helps build our future, and it can be fun. I'm anxious to see how it all pans out [<3]