Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Drivers Ed

You want to know one thing that really erks me? Well first of all how the hell you spell erk, but that is beside the point. BAD DRIVERS. Ahh bad drivers are some of the most irritating things ever!! To me anyways.

Let me get this out of the way and say that I've been in two accidents in my life, all within one month. I'm paranoid when it comes to speeding or bad driving, in fear someone will get hurt or get me into another accident. I would say I'm a fairly safe driver, and nowadays take even more precautions to make sure I'm a good driver.

I think one of the most annoying things is a slow driver. I'm not a speedy driver, but when you're late for work and you've got grandmammy cruisin' along going 10 under the speed limit in front of you... That's a little irritating. Plus, I never have the nerve to pass people, because I'm scared to get pulled over for speeding.

Another thing that irritates me are crazy drivers. By crazy drivers I mean, ridign around with 6 friends in the backseat listening to music really loud. Everyone's jumping around all over, the driver is dancing in their seat, and not even remotely focused on the road. A couple of my friends are crazy drivers, and I absolutely hate driving with them. One of my friends, who I'll call Veronica, is one of these bad drivers. She's one of my best friends, but man when she's driving a car full of girls, things can get a little wild. I remember her following me to my house, with her and another one of my friends with her, and watching her in my rearview mirror swerve back and forth on the road just being stupid.

Ohh man was I irritated. Veronica's never been in a car accident, so I don't think the reality of how easy your life be taken away has quite hit her yet. I've told her to slow down or to stop texting while I'm driving with her, and she gets a little irritated with me, but she stops. I'm not just concerned with my safety, but hers too. Also, if I'm riding with a bunch of friends, sometimes I'm the only one who wears a seatbelt!

I don't think there's a way to really reach people on how important safe driving is. There's always something that hits home for everyone, but I guess that is too much of a bother for everyone to find.

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