Thursday, January 8, 2009


Just like taxes and death, I think disappointment is pretty much inevitable in someone's life. I don't think a person can be completely satisfied and happy with every situation, or outcome, in their life.

I feel that I have had my fair share of disappointment in my life. I've had a few boyfriends, and all but one have broken up with me. I'm pretty sure every time a new guy breaks up with me I feel like a total faliure.

My most recent boyfriend and I are taking a break right now. He told me he needed time to clear his head, because a lot has been going on in our lives lately. A situation with his ex girlfriend has come up, and has really taken a toll on him. No, he didn't cheat or anything, but it's pretty bad. Also basketball season has started within the past couple months, and the game has been on his mind a lot. I told him from the start I understood if he needed time to rest or to be alone, because he works so hard in practice and games. The 'break' we are taking now was a big disappointment to me, because I thought I did something wrong, and I was failing as a girlfriend again. Things are starting to look up though, because we are basically back together we just aren't talking as much as we used to.

Disappointment comes in many forms. It may come from another person -- such as a friend, family member, spouse, or even coworker. You can also be disappointed in yourself. Maybe you got a bad grade at school, or a bad review at work.

I myself have a great life, and I'll admit sometimes I take it for granted and don't appriciate what I have. All in all I really do love the people in my life, and appriciate everything I have and everything people have done for me. My obvious advice for anyone who has been disappointed is to keep their head up. Yeah yeah that's what everyone says, easier said than done. When I've been disappointed, I wallow in sadness for a bit, but then I start to realize it can only get better from here.

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