So everything has been cleared up. I guess my grades were okay enough for me to play golf still, and my coach just made me not play so I had the chance to figure everything out before my grades did get that bad. I still am upset with my teacher though, and I'm pretty sure we'll never get along.
Okay so get this. Yesterday we had to take a school-wide survey about our school in general, and the teachers and staff. We were told to only base our opinions off of what happened this year, so that means we get to rate the teachers we have right now. Let me just say that teacher didn't get such a good grade. I talked to my friends and other people that have him, and it turns out I wasn't the only one that gave him a good rating. But oh well, I think he needs to learn to respect students because I didn't even do anything to him. Yeah so what I have a somewhat bad grade in his class, that doesn't mean he has to be rude does it? I don't think so.
Oh well, it'll all be over soon when I graduate. Which isn't that far away! I think we only have about 15 days of school left, or something around there. Hopefully it all works out!! [<3]
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