So right now, things are finally starting to look up. I've mostly moved on from Elliott, and realized that our relationship wasn't good for either of us. We don't talk anymore, and I have a feeling we won't ever will. Maybe it's for the best. I have also met someone else, who I'm not gonna say the name of just yet. We'll call him Jason. No not Jason Shupp. Alright so I've know Jason since 6th grade, when he came to Harding Middle School from Linn Mar. We were distant friends throughout middle school, and then he went to Linn Mar for high school. After that we didn't really talk. Now I work at the Collins Road HyVee, and he recently got a job there. Long story short, we started talking and hanging out again.
We aren't official or anything, the relationship is just in it's early stages. I think early stages of a relationship are some of the best times. You have the thrill of meeting someone new, and learning all about them. You also start to develop little middle school crushes, and are shy every time you are expected to say something. I know I'm that way at least. I'm about the shyest person you will ever meet when it comes to guys. It's like a genetic thing I seriously can't help it! As much as I want to be outgoing and overcome my shyness, I just can't help but be cautious about what I say and do when I'm first meeting a guy. Even if I don't even like them as more than a friend!
Anyways, I love relatioships. I usually always want to be in one. I think I just like knowing that I'm wanted and loved, or something like that. I'm hoping this relationship goes somewhere, but then again I'm afraid. I'm hoping it's not happening to quickly, and I'm gonna make sure that I'm gonna take it slow if something does happen. Well that's all for now I think! [<3]
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