Thursday, November 20, 2008


Yes I am a Twilight freak. And YES! Twilight comes out in the theatres tomorrow! I am so excited, no one has any idea. I've read most of the books; I'm done with the first three, and am almost done with the fourth: Breaking dawn. I think the books are the most amazing things ever, and they are by far my favorite series I have read. The way Stephanie Meyer writes, it makes me become entranced in the book.

The thing I am concerned with though, will the movie live up to the reputation of the books? I'm not sure. I don't think they will be able to fit every single detail from the book into a 2 hour movie, but then no movie made from a book does. I'm scared crucial details will be left out, and the movie will be random and scattered. I'm sure the movie will still be amazing, but I'm hoping I don't get my hopes up and then watch them come crashing down in my face while watching the movie.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Judge This!

Judgemental people irritate me. I just wrote a post not too long ago about how I was judgemental about people, and a certain situation that turned out to be better than I had expected. Being judgemental just isn't worth it.

I say judging people by how they acted when you first meet them, or even if you just see them in the hallway at school or at work, is wrong. And although I say it's wrong, I'm pretty sure I do it myself every single day. I'm sure 90% of the people here at school are nice, but I look at them as a person depending on what they doing, occasionally how they look, and how they act around their friends. I probably sound like a psycho bitch, but almost every person here does it without even thinking.

Going back to why being judgemental isn't worth it... I don't think its worth your time judging someone and making up some false things about them in your mind because they probably are no where near to how you are picturing them. You don't know what they are going through in their personal life, and what they are truly are.

American Idol, America's Next Top Model, and shows with judges are a completely different story. In this case, it's their job to judge people. They obviously judge people on a certain skill or aspect, not usually on their personality and how they act.