I got a new computer.. and now I have the freedom to do whatever! Not that I’m going to do anything different though..
School is over and summer is here.. So I probably won’t be blogging as much for now, but we’ll see! [<3]
who wants some blog for breakfast?! i know i do.
I got a new computer.. and now I have the freedom to do whatever! Not that I’m going to do anything different though..
School is over and summer is here.. So I probably won’t be blogging as much for now, but we’ll see! [<3]
Another Lady Gaga song. Every single one of her songs are catchy, and I'm hooked right as I start the song. At the moment I'm super bored at school, chillin in the IMC waiting for 3rd hour to be over. I'm listening to this song as I type this very sentence. If I wasn't alone with the librarian here, I'd probably be singing this song and dancing. Hopefully no one would watch.
Anyways, today's finally friday. I love fridays so much. I only have to work on Saturday and Sunday, which isn't too bad. Hopefully tonight something fun will come up, because I need something to get my mind off things. This hasn't been a very good week. Today is our first of two Senior Skip Days, and of course I'm sitting here. Not skipping. I totally would be skipping right now but my dad says I should catch up on school work because I've been missing so much from golf. Like I wanna be in physics more than I have to be. Anyways, I'm just happy I don't have to be here, even if it's only two days.
Lunch is in ten minutes!! I'm not sure what I'm gonna have, but I'm super psyched to at least get some carrots and dip.
Today we had our Senior Panoramic Photo in the West Gym. That was pretty much the lamest thing ever. We had one of those things freshman year too. I got the freshman year one, and now I'm buying this one. I think it'll be funny to look at how people have changed over these years. Well anyways it was stupid because everyone (aka the guys) was being immature and yelling and making faces. Yeah it's funny but I have a feeling it won't be funny in 10 years when I look back at these pictures. After that picture, we had to take our pictures for the awards we earned at Senior Recognition Night. I was in 4 of them for 4 years of math, 4 years of science, 4 years of social studies, and 4 years of spanish. Woop. I was sitting by my friends, so they decided to make funny faces for most of them. I didn't really want to, but I just couldn't resist for a couple. I don't wanna describe what we were doing cause I don't want anyone mad at me. (It was nothing inappropriate)!
I think I might have ADD at the moment. It's probaby temporary. I should probably go, because I'm really feelin some lunch right now. Until next timmeee!! [<3]
I love this new song! I've been hearing this song over the radio over the past couple weeks and I love it! I had already downloaded it onto my Zune before it hit the radio, and liked it then, but now it's just awesome. I didn't realize it was a Flo Rida song until he started rapping, and I was actually surprised. When my friends heard it first in my car, they started singing Blue (Da Ba Dee) by Eiffel 65. I'm pretty sure they fell in love with it just like I did. I hope you all enjoy!! [<3]
OKAY! Hahah. This song's pretty tighhttt..! I heard this song for the first time at Iowa State, when my friend Kate and I were at Greek Week. We were at a block party at one of the frat houses, and were dancing. Okay don't worry, there was no illegal activity taking place whatsoever! But anyways, the song is perfect for dances and just goofing around, and it's got a really catchy beat. I'm pretty sure there's a specific dance that goes with this, but to find it you may have to YouTube it. Enjoy!! [<3]
I haven't heard this song in such a long time. I don't listen to it very often, and I don't really know what the point of it is, but I like it. Its a classic basically. This video is pretty cool too, so you should check it out. [<3]
So this song has hit the radio recently. I'm not sure if I like it or not. It's pretty good and creative, but already its starting to get old. Britney has been coming up with some catchy and unique songs, so right on. I'm pullin for ya.
What a good song. Sophie just introduced me to this song, and it's pretty cool. It seems like a typical Lady Gaga song.. Pretty unique. All of her songs are pretty good, but this one has been especially stuck in my head for the past couple days.
My friends just introduced me to this song, and I love ittt! I had no idea that it was Soulja Boy.. and to be honest I'm kinda shocked. But the thing I don't know is.. Is that him singing in the chorus or is that someone else?
Anyways, this song is pretty cool and pretty unique as well. Normally I find Soulja Boy songs to be kind of annoying, and loud. I like a lot of them, but they seemed a little childish compared to some other young artists. Now that he's becoming famous, I think he's changing his style a bit to fit in with other artists.
If you want to see the lyrics, you can visit this video on YouTube. The lyrics are on the page. Or you could look 'em up online. Either way! Hope you all enjoy [<3]>
Like I always say.. This is a good song too =] I started this post about when Elliott and I broke up, and it was a time I was sad. When I heard this song after we broke up, I was in a car full of friends coming back to our hotel from the Mall of America. I immediately started to cry when the chorus started, and it was bad. That was the first time I felt sad, and like my heart had been smashed into a million pieces. It's still hard for me to listen to this song, and I start to think of all of the good times Elliott and I had. Right now it's hard. I'd be an emotional wreck if I didn't have the memories of the bad times in my mind to get me through it..
It's getting easier to let him go with each and every day, and I know I'll be better some day soon. I'll never forget about him, but hopefully my feelings for him will disappear soon. Every day is a new day. My friends have been great, and I love them all so much. I know everything will be alright. [<3]
Ohh man good song =]. The first time I heard this song, it was when my friends were belting it out in my kitchen at the top of their lungs. I had no idea what the song was, but I was starting to hate it because they didn't stop singing it. Ever. Finally one day when I was browsing videos on YouTube, I thought of the song and thought I would give it a chance. I looked it up, and listened to it. Turns out it's not that bad of a song.
If you haven't heard this song before, it's worth checking it out. Yes it's a love song, but to me, it stands out from the crowd. It's not a common song that you've heard on the radio, which is refreshing once and a while. At the end of my post, there's a link of the lyrics to this song, which are neat too. Hope you like it! [<3]
I'm starting to think winter should be done right abouuttt... Now. I'm getting sick of all this nasty snow and slush all over, getting my car all dirty. Even though this song is pretty old, I heard it for the first time during the summer a couple years ago. This and other songs remind me of the warm summer nights, hanging out with my friends and just having a good time. I'm a senior this year, so I'm going to have a longer summer than years before. Before I go away to college, I want to have the summer of a lifetime. I want to hang out with my friends and boyfriend, and create memories that'll last forever. There's obviously no gurantees to that, but I'm pretty sure it'll happen.
The past summers I have are probably some of the most memorable moments in my life. Even though some of the moments aren't good ones, I still remember so much of what has happened the past few years. This summer will be great too. I've made new friends, actually have a boyfriend to spend time with, and I have my full license (long story). I'm hoping my parents will let up on the rules a little bit this summer, since it'll be my last one in high school. One of my favorite things to do in summer is lay on my driveway at night and look at all the stars. My house is perfect for this because we live out in the country, sort of. I sit out there and think about a lot of things.. Sometimes I think about if there are other people somewhere in the world looking at the same stars I am. There's so many different worlds and people out there that I don't know about, and it's crazy to think about what all I'm missing out on.
I think I do some of my deepest thinking in the summer too. I always reflect on the past year, and think about what is coming in the future. This summer I'll have a lot to think about, with college coming up. It's going to be hard to leave my friends, most of who are staying here in CR. It's also going to be a tough decision figuring out what Elliott and I are going to do. I've been avoiding as much as I can, but sooner or later we are going to have to sit down and talk about what we are going to do about our relationship in the future. As much as I hate to think about it, I'm going to be 2 hours away at college while he's here still in high school. We're going to have to think about if we can stick together, and work through this long distance relationship, and know we can trust each other. If we can't we're going to have to split up, knowing that our decision is for the best. Lately we've been hinting at the subject, and I think we are probably going to salvage our relationship and stand the distance. Although this can change over the next few months, I'm hoping it doesn't. This summer will be interesting. [<3]
Happy Valentine's Day everyone =] Well a day late I guess.. For once I actually have a boyfriend on Valentines Day, which is nice for a change. Valentine's Day is a whole day to express your love for your significant other, and I love it!
This Valentine's Day, Elliott and I went out to dinner with my friend and her boyfriend to Elmcrest, which was a lot of fun. We got all dressed up lookin all cute and had a fancy quiet dinner. After that, we went to the move He's Just Not That Into You (chick flick I know). Anndd after that we split off and did our own thing. It was a lot of fun to get out for once, rather than being stuck inside watching a movie like we usually do. So.. We went out, but we.. still saw a movie? Hmm not much change. Oh well. You get the point. It's nice to have a night focused on a relationship, and hopefully cherishing that relationship you have.
And for those that don't have a significant other... Valentine's Day usually sucks. Well it did for me in past years, so I'm guessing it's still the same. It's basically a day to celebrate how alone you are and how lame single life is, and while couples go out together you're at home by yourself eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's while watching The Notebook with your dog. For all of you in this situation, love will come to you someday =]
Happy Valentine's Day everyone [<3]
One of the best songs I've heard in a long time. Cute Is What We Aim For is one of my favorite bands, because of the lyrics and diversity in each of their songs. I said in one of my first posts on this blog that CIWWAF shows a whole new side of their band with this new CD, Rotation. Each of the songs are very different, including this one. I was disappointed at first when I was flipping through their songs when I first got the CD, hoping for a slower song. Time is the last song on the CD, and when I heard it, I immediately fell in love.
I'd definitely recommend this CD to anyone who doesn't generally like main-stream bands, and is always looking for new sound. Check them out on MySpace. [<3]
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - U2
Long day, don't really feel like saying too much other than this song is good.. I know I have my awesome 4 followers but anyone feel free to comment [<3]>
PS.. Wow awesome I just realized there's Spanish (or whatever language) subtitles at the bottom. Oh well.
One of the best songs I've heard, but not in a long time. This song speaks to me, and every time I listen to it it drags me in that much deeper. Something about the rhythm, tone and his voice keeps my attention. Not to mention the lyrics. The song touches me because I can relate to it. I hate to admit it to the whole world ((or to the 6 people that have ever read this blog)) that unfortunately I'm falling head of heels for my guy..
I say unfortunately because I don't know if I want to.. When it comes to relationships I'm always a little hesitant because I've been screwed over one too many times. I'm always afraid a guy will walk out on me, just as I start to really care for him. I know there are plenty of girls out there that are in the same boat. The only reason I hesitate with Elliott is because we aren't officially dating, as I said in an earlier post. I don't understand his reasoning for us not being official, and that scares me a little. I don't want to be a girl on the side, I want to be with him. But anyway, enough of the mushy stuff.
This song is really great because it isn't like other love songs. The different instruments and how they are played really grab my attention, and I love it. The singers voice is amazing too. I think what makes me love this song the most is the lyrics, because they are amazing. I don't know if this was professionally written or if it was by the guys in the band, but man I love them. I'm truly amazed by the lyrics of a lot of songs today, and how they word things. I don't think I could ever write lyrics to songs, because first of all I can't rhyme and the things I would say would sounds stupid. I can't even explain how some songs' lyrics make me go crazy because they are so awesome. This is definitely one of these songs.... <3
Title: Jenny Takes A Tumble
Yes, unfortunately these are my friends. I'm glad to say I wasn't there, and didn't partake in any of this madness, but unfortunately I kind of wish I was. I hate to admit it, but we are this goofy on a regular basis, but you know, who cares! I love them.
Another classic. :) Unfortunately this pertains to a friend of mine, who's going through a really hard time. I'll skip the really really sad part, and just cut straight to the really bad part. We'll call my friend Becky, and the guy we'll call David. So basically what happened was David did to Becky was what one may expect. David was a 'typical' guy and used Becky like you wouldn't even believe. Not to be mean to Becky, but she isn't the brightest crayon in the box. He walked all over her and she didn't even realize it. They had talked about dating, but never really got around to it. All was going well, and then my boyfriend told me what kind of guy David really is. ((My boyfriend plays basketball with David, so he told me a lot of what he says)) David was going around to the basketball team saying he "got some blonde booty". At this point, my friends and I all realized David isn't really the guy he comes off as. We asked Becky if the rumors were true, and she constantly denied it. We began warning her about him, telling her to get away from him because he isn't a nice guy. And yet, Becky still talked to David and gave him rides everywhere, and catered to his every need. Later, my boyfriend told me that David was asked if he was dating Becky and he simply said "I'd never date THAT." At this point, frustration turned into anger. It was obvious he was using Becky. My friends and I told her and told her and told her again, you have to stop talking to him and seeing him, because all you are to him is a booty call. We were tired of being positive, hoping their relationship would grow. David was not a good influence and person for Becky to be around, and it was time to do something about it....
An unfortunate event took place recently with Becky that I cannot talk about, but my friends and I do place some of the blame on David. How he treated Becky had finally caught up to her, and took a big toll on her. I hope now Becky realizes what kind of person David truly is, and will stay away from him for good. If not, I have a feeling my friends and I will have to go to him, telling him to leave her alone or we'll do something about it.
Oh and I just received some more news about David today. Apparently he already has a 'thing' with another girl. Also sounds like he's using her too. I don't know if this is true, but man I sure feel bad for the girl.
So my song of the day is Steal My Sunshine by Len. I'm pretty sure this song is a classic to anyone who grew up in the 90's. It's hard to believe this song is almost 10 years old. I would've completely forgotten about this song except I heard it on my local radio station, Z102.9. When I was growing up, I didn't listen to the lyrics of songs at all, just liked songs with catchy beats or cool instruments.
As I have probably said in earlier blogs, I'm not too deep when it comes to interpreting lyrics or and kind of writing. It just isn't a talent of mine. When I was younger I probably thought this was a happy fun kind of song because of the beat and the happy tone they sing in, but when I read the lyrics now that changes my mind a little. In the first verse, the guy talks about drugs and how he missed out on important things in life because he was too busy getting stoned. Then in the second verse after the chorus, the girl talks about slurpy treats, and I have absolutely have no idea what's going on. There probably is a hidden meaning, but right now nothing's coming to me. For now I'm going to keep seeing this song as I did when I was little, ignoring the awkwardly weird lyrics that come along with it.