Sunday, December 7, 2008

Black Friday

Black Friday is friggin crazy! I didn't go out this Black Friday, like every other year, but this year I actually had an excuse. I got my tonsils out the Monday before Thanksgiving, and I was too tired to even get out of bed. While I laid in bed, I later heard stories on the news and on my homepage of my internet explorer on my laptop of the pandamonium that took place on Black Friday.

So supposedly some people got killed on Black Friday?! What?! Okay people, time to calm down a bit. I know the holidays can be stressfull, believe me, but I'm thinkin that's a little too far. Correct me if I'm wrong, but someone got trampled at WalMart? I think that was the story, I don't know. Jeez thats insane. I can't believe people would be so determined to get a little toy for their damn kids they wouldn't even care if they stepped on the face of someone else just to get to it first. Another story I heard was someone got shot at Toys R Us! Haaa that makes me laugh. It is NOT funny for someone dying, that's obviously a terrible terrible tragedy, and my heart goes out to their family. It makes me laugh because of the location. People getting shot at Toys R Us? What is society coming to? I don't even know what to say.

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